

Welcome to The Very Simon G. My blog has been going for nearly a decade, but there ain’t getting away from me just yet! Come in for fashion, fun and everything in between. Enjoy!

17 power suits to help you BOSS January

17 power suits to help you BOSS January

I might hate wearing suits, but I do think I’m the exception. Everyone else seems to LOVE them! For me, they’re restrictive, uncomfortable and just not easy to wear. But it’s weird… I love seeing other people in suits.

Award season is upon us, and every year it’s amazing to see that the men on the red carpets are pushing boundaries. Billy Porter is an entity of his own - he has made the carpets a safe place for everyone to experiment - but even your more traditional leading lads seem to be taking risks. Not just plain black suits.

But really, it’s all about the women in trouser suits. There’s something very… powerful about it. Sharp tailoring on women is sexy but smart. It’s kind of like the tight security skirt image, redefined.

Here’s 17 suits to think about girls (or boys!)…

Billy Porter's top 11 outfits from 2019...

Billy Porter's top 11 outfits from 2019...

BIG Cher news...

BIG Cher news...